Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Frozen away from you

schwarzekatze18 of Deviantart
Frozen away from you
I don't know what to do
You weren't true
to me it doesn't matter
now wait and learn
from my mistakes
I'm not proud of

I love you.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Why is it cold in the spring?

The recovery was halted by love.
Before I could recover half, I gave all.
Now, I suffer with an emptiness
and naught to rebuild with

No new beginnings this spring
No sprouting hopes break the surface
It's still cold.
Death is still over the land--

You thought you spied the Son.
Just as quick as you caught what you thought was a glimpse,
your world froze over again.

Monday, January 21, 2013

An Unfinished Poem

An Unfinished Poem

We put you in a box God.
We put you in a box.
Not that we could ever box you
but we put you in a box designed by men

These boxes of religion
which are really just divisions
of the same body

Written while in transit from tutoring meeting to house. Sunday, January 20, 2013.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


My mother and father do not dream.
To dream is to risk some things:
like failure and fault or hurt.
If that simply comes with age,
let me never come to those days.

My mother scowls at the unseen.
My father despises everything,
that looks like a remnant of what
he had hoped for. So, whenever
they see me, it like looking at lost

It's like a surrender of just being,
and not thinking
and not creating
and not waking
up to the fact that life's dreams
are the only certain things
to bring life worth living.

Friday, December 14, 2012

I'm Looking Him in the Eyes

I'm looking Him in the eyes
thinking of what to say...
Father god help me today
I want to be the Way
the Truth, the Life
I want to be thanks and freedom
from strife.
I will live in your gaze 
in the cloud of your love
mysteries above - (hand motion for above) KNOWLEDGE
You in all and through all
and we...the same.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

From the Father to a Child

From the Father to a Child

I swear by my name, you do not know how I adore you.
My child who I framed in the womb of your mother
I wrote songs about you before you were done
taking your first breath
And, I had dreams about how I would give your everything
and rest from your labors
You thought you could labor to love me
You thought if you labored I'd love you
more than I do,
but child, my child, MY child
If I had made you for any other reason but to love you,
I had blaphemed my name.
Do not be cast off
or go astray
today I am telling you the truth
I am bringing heaven down to be with you
and to heaven you'll ascend
just look within
I've giving you my Spirit.
I've given you my heart.
And, I will never leave you
no, not any more than the waters can leave the shores
I want to permeate your every part
Illuminate the places you've given over to
dark desires
I will wash upon you, through you
and make you clean
when you stop hiding and allow me
I swear by no others, but by my great name
there are none else before you
I AM's your first name.

It is said that females are given away, and take on the name of their husband.
Surely, we are the bride of Christ, but Daddy God is saying. I gave you a first
name, not a last name. Before Abraham I AM. Before Jennifer I AM. Before
Lis I AM. Your first name is I AM, just like His.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

You Have a Talent

I think that I put this poem on video, but I never uploaded it. Anyway, I'm clearing out my old journals, and I found this one.

You have a talent
whether hobby or game
You have a talent
That's known like your name

You have a talent
that you love to build
You have a talent
that you must not yield

You have a talent
for which you can say
it sets you on fire
I'll do it each day

Come teach that talent
I'll show you today
how others make thousands
the empowered way.

-Lis Carpenter

And, that was the launch of for me. The idea is that you can really learn how to profit from teaching others about your talents and tapping into online communities, interest groups, that you would enjoy anyway, and profit from it.