Sunday, November 25, 2012

Learning's Gone Underground

This year I started with the focus on training my mind. I wanted to spend more time listening to audio and reading books that I thought would improve my standing. After some time, I found that it really takes going into spirit, underground, to subconscious thought. So, now that is my focus. It would be something if I could just follow instructions instead of testing and testing and trying new things out, but so am I.

I hear time passing
I hear an age approaching of wisdom
earth, time and space converging into a point of light
And us transmuting into the stars we once were
Like the ones we imagine above our heads
While we stare at what we perceive to be ahead
While we dream while we are awakening
While we sleep through the quaking of our spirits
And we know God
And we see Him all around, and we wonder at our selves, our origins.
We are life, like Him, to never die. No need for the things we create, and yet we must


Like HIM


Not like the creatures who move without songs, with understanding
Not like the waters which reflect our waves, our movement and our tendency
to swallow the land
Our passion for protecting our existence passes into a destructive force like the sun
we want to warm, but we burn up those things we touch
Children playing with matches
dropped one suddenly, now we want to run from the wildfires consuming this land
no, this planet
let's take flight to the moon
We found too soon that the moon is no place for spirits who put on flesh
our domain was to create in His place while He built universes

Listen to our song
"We Want More"

After air and fear passes into the memories of who we were, we will find our try at being heard
Our playing God on this earth, was for our lesson that the El Shaddai is worthy of His seat.
I often wonder if we are meet to be called the Sons of God.
I often wonder if we were the sigh after Lucifer fell from the skies.
But, this is despair that enters when we forget what and who Love is.

We fear the weight of glory crushing us and the beauty that shines from the inside,
this beauty present in everyone's eyes.

I appear to be fading. But, I am moving from life to LIFE, from faith to FAITH, from light to LIGHT.

And, I have a lot to give when I am resting in Divinity, apart from the well the world creates, I am a stream springing forth from the Great River, flowing from True North.

So, when I fill you, I am filled. I cannot abandon you while He Who Hears is compelling me to give. More than bringing the Kingdom we are revealing the Kingdom and giving the Kingdom to the thirsty and hungry souls that think that they "are" apart from their "being." They think their life is in their flesh, but we know it is of the Spirit, the Blood, the Water.

Do not prevent them from being baptized with this truth because the One with the fire in His eyes is waiting to baptize them with the Holy Ghost and fire, so that they can see and be...


This is not something the books can teach you. It is born of the Spirit, and when He does reach you, you know it. And, you know those that are of Him.

We are walking into a God that is bigger than the universe yet makes Himself small so that we can stand beside Him. We are walking with a God that seeks to supply all the things for what we desire to create. The one who made resistance so that we could be strong, sadness so that we could be joy, and loneliness so that we could be full when we received Him.

When we believe, we are receiving these things we seek.
When we fear, we are receiving the things we fear.
The laws don't change, so learn them. A creation reflects the attributes of the Creator.
"For, I am the LORD, I change not."

So rest in that thought.  And "be" like God because You ARE.

(This is a response to The Illusions Series teachings by Jean Miller)

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